VALOR & ESTRATEGIA | Augusto Piñeres

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Augusto Piñeres

Associate Consultant – North Zone

Bachelor of Business Administration of Universidad de La Salle in Bogota, with more than 20 years of professional experience. He has held several management positions in the Financial Sector, Leasing Companies and Insurance Industry, including 13 years as Regional Manager of Leasing Suramericana SA and Leasing Bancolombia SA

In 1990 he began its professional experience in the insurance industry, working for Alfa Insurance SA (Branch of Banco de Occidente) as Branch Manager in Cartagena. Afterwards he worked for 4 years in Leasing Suramericana as a Regional Manager. In 1999 he assumed in  Termocandelaria SA as Chief Financial Officer during the construction of generating plants and then in the operation stage. Then, in 2001 he return to the financial sector as a  Regional Manager of  Leasing Colombia SA  (Bancolombia). In 2006, with the merger of  Leasing Bancolombia and Corfinsura, he served as Manager of Caribbean Zone in the segments of Corporate Banking, until the end of 2010. 

Since 2011, he is  Associate Consultant at Valor & Estrategia. 

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