VALOR & ESTRATEGIA | Juan Fernando Munera

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Juan Fernando Munera

Co-Founder Partner

Lawyer of Universidad Externado de Colombia with postgraduate studies in commercial & insurance law at Universidad Javeriana, financial law and top management at Universidad de los Andes, with more than 35 years of professional experience, 13 of which in the Colombian financial sector, where he has held various top positions, the last being CEO of Corporación Financiera de Boyacá. He has been Consultant Partner and Founder of Valor & Estrategia S.A. since February 1998.

He started his career at the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá as Consultant lawyer. From 1983 until 1985 he had his own consultancy business. Afterwards, he was appointed as Special Agent of the Banking Superintendent for the administrative intervention in Financiera Tequendama and Capitalizadora Tequendama, until 1987. He worked for Grupo Empresarial Bavaria for more than 7 years, first as Special Issues Manager and Administrative Vice-president of Banco Santander, and as Planning and Operations Vice-president of Banco Comercial Antioqueño. In such positions he took part in restructuring of Compañía Colombiana Automotriz, Grandicón, Kapitol, Arinco and others. He was a team member in the valuation and merger of Banco Comercial Antioqueño and Banco Santander. In Corfiboyacá he worked in investment banking, marketing, strategic planning and participated in the negotiation and sale of the company to the Group of Luis Carlos Sarmiento Angulo.

He has been member of several boards of directors in the corporate and financial sector. 

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